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EI Match Probabilities for the English Premier League.

Posted: 2013-05-17 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

We have finally reached the end of the season so for the last time in 2012-2013 here are the Eastwood Index’s (EI) probabilities for the English Premier League...

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EI Match Probabilities for the English Premier League.

Posted: 2013-05-10 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

Here are the latest match probabilities for the English Premier League calculated using the Eastwood Index (EI)...

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MLS Player Salaries: 2013.

Posted: 2013-05-10 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

The latest Major League Soccer (MLS) salaries were released recently by the MLS Players’ Union so I thought I would post a quick summary of the data...

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The Eastwood Index, MLS and Parity.

Posted: 2013-05-07 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

I showed in my last post how Major League Soccer (MLS) is a much more closely matched league than the English Premier League (EPL), with the wage cap and draft system increasing the parity between teams...

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EI Match Probabilities for the English Premier League.

Posted: 2013-05-03 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

Here are the latest match probabilities for the English Premier League calculated using the Eastwood Index (EI)...

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How Much Does Luck Affect MLS?.

Posted: 2013-05-02 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

Following my recent article for Betting Expert quantifying how large a role luck plays in the English Premier League (EPL) I thought it would be interesting to look at Major League Soccer (MLS) too...

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How Much Does Luck Affect Football?.

Posted: 2013-04-30 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

I’ve written a new article for Betting Expert quantifying how much luck affects football...

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What Is A Meaningful Sample Size?.

Posted: 2013-04-28 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

I had an article published at Betting Expert last week looking at how to determine statistically how much data you need to make accurate predictions...

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EI Match Probabilities for the English Premier League.

Posted: 2013-04-26 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

It’s been a busy day but I’ve finally got the probabilities for this weekend’s matches completed....

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EI Match Probabilities for the English Premier League.

Posted: 2013-04-19 19:30:00+01:00. | By: Martin Eastwood.

It’s been a busy day but I’ve finally got the probabilities for this weekend’s matches completed....

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