Published on November 04, 2014 by Martin Eastwood
I’ve not posted this for a while so here is the latest Pythagorean for the English Premier League.
Read MorePublished on April 04, 2014 by Martin Eastwood
I’ve not posted an update on the Pythagorean for the English Premier League (EPL) for a while so the latest figures are below.
Read MorePublished on January 20, 2014 by Martin Eastwood
Welome back! Now that I'm no longer part of Onside Analysis I'm free to start blogging again so let's start off by taking a look at how my football Pythagorean is doing for the English Premier Leag...
Read MorePublished on January 02, 2013 by Martin Eastwood
The next stage for developing my refined version of the Pythagorean equation is to characterise how many weeks of data it actually needs to make accurate football predictions...
Read MorePublished on December 10, 2012 by Martin Eastwood
The next stage for my Pythagorean's development is to testing whether it can be applied to leagues outside the EPL. Having one Pythagorean equation that could be used globally is preferable to havi...
Read MorePublished on December 03, 2012 by Martin Eastwood
Part two of guide to applying the baseball pythagorean to football.
Read MorePublished on November 26, 2012 by Martin Eastwood
Introduction to applying the baseball pythagorean to football.
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